Sustainability: Reports and data
Here you can read reports and the basis for our sustainability efforts. You will find everything from sustainability reports to ethical requirements for suppliers.
Sustainability report 2023
All activities have an impact on the environment, people and society – this also applies to us in the Olav Thon Group.
Climate Account Report 2023
The aim of this report is to get an overview of the organisation's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which is an integrated part of the company's climate strategy.
Sustainability strategy
As one of Norway’s largest businesses, the Olav Thon Group has an impact on the environment, people and society. We want to contribute more to sustainable development, and we have therefore established a separate strategy for our sustainability work.
Sustainability policy
This sustainability policy sets out the basic guidelines of the group’s sustainability work. It provides guidelines to all managers and employees on how the Olav Thon Group should work with sustainability.
Code of conduct
The code of conduct was produced in order to clarify what The Olav Thon Group expects of its suppliers. It covers fundamental requirements regarding human rights, labour rights, anti-corruption, and the environment in the supply chain.
External reporting channel for The Olav Thon Group
Whistleblowing is reporting improper, illegal or unethical conditions in the company. It is both legal and desirable, as this can help to rectify any improper conditions. The Olav Thon Group encourages everyone to exercise this right if misconduct is discovered.
Sustainability report 2022
Sustainability report 2021
Sustainability report 2020
Sustainability report 2019
Sustainability report 2018
Sustainability report 2017